Wind power and windfarms database

Last updates
arrow 118 wind farms added (India, Vietnam, Germany,USA, Netherlands, Mexico, Sweden, France, United-Kingdom, Denmark, Canada...)
arrow 7 turbines added (Goldwind GW175/8000, Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Group TZ2500/133 and TZ3000/140, Fuhrländer Windtechnology LLC WTU4.5/151, PASL PWS 900iL and PWS 1250iL, S&G Engineering SG100.28)
arrow 2 power curves added (Nordex N149/4.0-4.5 and S&G Engineering SG100.28)
arrow 11 new reports

Our products
arrow Database of 20,379 wind farms (726.6 GW)
arrow Database of 683 offshore projects (224.4 GW)
arrow Database of 2,333 developers
arrow Database of 2,227 operators
arrow Database of 2,056 owners
arrow Database of 219 manufacturers
arrow Database of 1,698 turbines
arrow Database of 780 power curves
arrow Database of 122 countries - The Wind Power ® - 2005-2019 - all rights reserved
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