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National report Sweden
1,164 wind farms, 194 players, 2 manufacturers, production capacity 1997-2023

Content of the report

Wind farms

Breakdown by market and by status

Planned Approved Under construction Operational Dismantled
Onshore 1.23 GW
13 entries
16.00 GW
1,187 entries
0.07 GW
76 entries
Offshore 117.57 GW
75 entries
3.24 GW
5 entries
0.00 GW
0 entry
0.19 GW
7 entries
0.02 GW
6 entries
Planned Approved Under construction
Onshore 1.23 GW
13 entries
Offshore 117.57 GW
75 entries
3.24 GW
5 entries
0.00 GW
0 entry

Operational Dismantled
Onshore 16.00 GW
1,187 entries
76 entries
Offshore 0.19 GW
7 entries
6 entries

Fill rates

Entries Fill rate
Number of entries 1,369 /
Number of wind farms 1,164 /
Zone/District 1,369 100 %
City 1,252 92 %
WGS84 coordinates (approximate) 787 58 %
WGS84 coordinates (accurate) 540 39 %
Manufacturer 1,156 84 %
Turbine model 1,079 79 %
Hub height 1,238 90 %
Number of turbines 1,284 94 %
Total power 1,355 99 %
Developer 472 35 %
Operator 388 28 %
Owner 352 26 %
Status data
Status 1,369 100 %
Commissioning date 1,265 93 %
Decommissioning date 65 79 %
Direct link to The Wind Power datasheet 1,369 100 %


Entries Fill rate
Number of players (developers, operators, owners) 194
Type of activity (developer and/or operator and/or owner) 194 100 %
Direct link to The Wind Power datasheet 194 100 %
Contact details
Address 52 27 %
Phone 46 24 %
Fax 10 5 %
Corporate mail address 41 21 %
Website 63 32 %


Entries Fill rate
Number of manufacturers 2 /
Address 1 100% (*)
Phone 0 0% (*)
Fax 0 0% (*)
Corporate mail address 1 100% (*)
Website 1 100% (*)
Direct link to The Wind Power datasheet 2 100%
Date of entry on the market 1 50%
Status (operating/acquired/no longer exists) 2 100%
Status switch date 0 0% (**)

(*): % of active manufacturers
(**): % of acquired or inactive manufacturers

Production capacity

Available period
Onshore market 1997 to 2023
Offshore market 1997 to 2023

Report overview (example: France)

Wind farms



Production capacity

Optional updates

For one year For 2 years For 3 years
2 per year 90 € 170 € 225 €
1 per year 65 € 125 € 160 €

400 €

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   Example (France)

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Available formats
Excel, CSV, TSV

Average update frequency
Weekly to monthly

Last updates
10 September 2024 (wind farms)
8 September 2024 (players)
19 August 2024 (manufacturers)
10 September 2024 (production capacity)

Related products
Sweden wind farms database
Europe wind farms database
Players database

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