General data | Wind farms | By zones |
Map | Media | IREC Index |
Accurate coordinates:
Under construction
Approximate coordinates:
Under construction
Name | Total power (kW) |
Number of turbines |
A Chruach (Resubmission) | 24,600 | |
A Chruach (Resubmission) | 18,000 | |
Airhigh | 59,000 | |
Allt Dearg Community Wind Farm | 10,200 | |
An Suidhe | 8,100 | |
An Suidhe | 11,200 | |
Auchadaduie | 7,050 | |
Baugh Cottage | 500 | |
Beinn an Tuirc | 29,700 | |
Beinn an Tuirc | 43,700 | |
Beinn an Tuirc | 50,000 | |
Beinn Ghlas | 8,400 | |
Blary Hill | 35,000 | |
Carraig Gheal | 20,700 | |
Carraig Gheal | 25,300 | |
Clachan Flats | 15,030 | |
Cnoc Donn Arnicle | 15,000 | |
Cour | 20,500 | |
Cruach Mhor | 29,750 | |
Deucheran Hill | 12,250 | |
Deucheran Hill | 3,500 | |
Freasdail | 22,550 | |
Gallanach | 500 | |
Gigha Community | 675 | |
Isle of Luing Wind Farm | 200 | |
Srondoire Community Windfarm | 6,000 | |
Tangy | 12,750 | |
Tangy | 5,950 | |
Tiree Community Wind Turbine | 900 | |
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