Below is the list of the wind farms developed by Nordex (wind farms listed in the database).
Country City |
Name |
Manufacturer |
Power (kW) |
Number of turbines |
Turkey Akishar | Akres |  |  |  |
Italy Amaroni | Amaroni |  |  |  |
France Diou, Sainte-Lizaigne | Aubigeon Les Pelures Blanches |  |  |  |
France Autremencourt | Autremencourt Partie 4 |  |  |  |
USA Gratiot | Beebe |  |  |  |
USA Gratiot | Beebe |  |  |  |
France Mareuil-sur-Arnon | Bois Ballay |  |  |  |
France Boisville-la-Saint-Père | Bois Bigot |  |  |  |
France Beauvilliers | Bois de l’Arche |  |  |  |
France Tournoisis | Bois Louis |  |  |  |
France Epieds-en-Beauce, Tournoisis | Bornes de Cerqueux |  |  |  |
Germany Rostock | Breitling |  |  |  |
France Breteuil, Esquennoy | Breteuil-Esquennoy Les Chandelles |  |  |  |
France Breteuil, Paillart | Breteuil-Paillart (démantelé) |  |  |  |
France Janville, Oinville-Saint-Liphard | Butte Saint-Liphard Blancfossé |  |  |  |
France Campbon | Campbon |  |  |  |
France Santilly | Champ-Besnard PELEIA III |  |  |  |
Portugal Alqueidao da Serra | Chao Falcao I |  |  |  |
Portugal Alqueidao da Serra | Chao Falcao II |  |  |  |
Portugal Alqueidao da Serra | Chao Falcao II |  |  |  |
Portugal Alqueidao da Serra | Chao Falcao III |  |  |  |
Spain Plasencia de Jalón | Dehesa del Coscojar |  |  |  |
France Dehlingen | Dehlingen |  |  |  |
South Africa Inkwanca | Dorper |  |  |  |
France Sorel, Fins, Heudicourt | Douiche |  |  |  |
Spain Pedrola | El Aguila |  |  |  |
| Erciyes |  |  |  |
France Fillières | Fillières |  |  |  |
France Mareuil-sur-Arnon | Forges |  |  |  |
Pakistan Thatta | Foundation Wind Energy I |  |  |  |
Pakistan Thatta | Foundation Wind Energy II |  |  |  |
Portugal Arouca | Freita I |  |  |  |
Portugal Arouca | Freita II |  |  |  |
France Fresnes-en-Saulnois | Fresnes-en-Saulnois |  |  |  |
France Graincourt-lès-Havrincourt | Graincourt-lès-Havrincourt |  |  |  |
USA Somerset | Green Mountain Wind Farm Garrett (démantelé) |  |  |  |
France Janville, Oinville-Saint-Liphard | Hauts de Melleray PELEIA IV (démantelé) |  |  |  |
Germany Welschbillig | Helenenberg I |  |  |  |
France Hétomesnil | Hétomesnil La Borne Blanche |  |  |  |
France Hétomesnil | Hétomesnil 2 |  |  |  |
France Janville, Poinville | Janville (28) Bois Clergeons |  |  |  |
France Poinville, Santilly | Janville (28) Voie Blériot Est |  |  |  |
France Poinville, Santilly | Janville (45) Voie Blériot Ouest (démantelé) |  |  |  |
| Karpathos |  |  |  |
Germany Ketzin | Ketzin |  |  |  |
United-Kingdom Brora, Sutherland | Kilbraur Strathbrora |  |  |  |
France La Chapelle au Mans | La Chapelle au Mans |  |  |  |
France Civray | La Chaussée de César Nord |  |  |  |
France Civray | La Chaussée de César Sud |  |  |  |
France La Chapelle Rousselin | La Jacterie |  |  |  |
France Terminiers | Le Carreau |  |  |  |
France St-Georges-des-Gardes | Le Fouy |  |  |  |
France Tournoisis | Le Sainbois |  |  |  |
France Migny, Saint-Georges-sur-Arnon | Les Barbes d’Or |  |  |  |
France Sainte-Thorette | Les Coudrays |  |  |  |
France La Tourlandry, Coron | Les Crêtes |  |  |  |
France Quincy | Les Croquettes |  |  |  |
France Saint-Georges-sur-Arnon | Les Joyeuses |  |  |  |
France Moisy, Semerville | Les Mardeaux |  |  |  |
France Sainte-Thorette | Les Mistandines |  |  |  |
France Moisy, Ouzouer-le-Doyen | Les Pénages PELEIA II (démantelé) |  |  |  |
France Saint Georges sur Arnon | Les Tilleuls (36) |  |  |  |
France Les Touches | Les Touches |  |  |  |
France Terminiers | Les Trois Muids |  |  |  |
France Saint-Georges-sur-Arnon | Les Vignes |  |  |  |
France Lihus | Lihus Le Moulin Démoli |  |  |  |
France Lihus, Hétomesnil | Lihus 2 - Hétomesnil |  |  |  |
United-Kingdom Hornsea, Roos | Lissett Airfield |  |  |  |
France Nohant-en-Graçay | Longchamps-Nohant-en-Graçay |  |  |  |
France Mazeray, Bignay | Mazeray-Bignay Grand Champ Pelé |  |  |  |
United-Kingdom Invergarry | Millennium |  |  |  |
Italy Minervino | Minervino Murge |  |  |  |
France Delettes, Enguinegattes | Mont d’Erny |  |  |  |
Italy Monte Grighine | Monte Grighine |  |  |  |
France Brouck, Bannay, Bionville sur Nied | Morlange |  |  |  |
China Qingtongxia | Niushoushan I |  |  |  |
China Qingtongxia | Niushoushan II |  |  |  |
France Thieux, Noyers-Saint-Martin | Noyers-Saint-Martin Le Cornouiller |  |  |  |
Spain Ororbia | Orkoien |  |  |  |
Estonia Paldiski | Pakri |  |  |  |
France Plomodiern | Plomodiern |  |  |  |
Netherlands Rotterdam | Rotterdam-BP Nerefco (démantelé) |  |  |  |
Germany Münster | Roxel |  |  |  |
France Saint-Ambroix | Saint-Ambroix Mareuil |  |  |  |
France Saint-Paul-du-Bois, Lys-Haut-Layon | Saint-Paul-du-Bois Vihiersois |  |  |  |
Germany Schortewitz | Schortewitz |  |  |  |
France Châtres, Orvilliers-Saint-Julien, Mesgrigny, Vallant-Saint-Georges | Seine Rive-Gauche Nord |  |  |  |
France Châtres, Orvilliers-Saint-Julien, Mesgrigny, Vallant-Saint-Georges | Seine Rive-Gauche Nord |  |  |  |
| Tourla-Karistos |  |  |  |
France Fesques, Vatierville | Val aux Moines |  |  |  |
France Antheny, Champlin | Vents de Thiérache 1 |  |  |  |
France Antheny, Champlin, Auvillier les Forges | Vents de Thiérache 2 |  |  |  |
Italy Vicari | Vicari Green Vicari |  |  |  |
France Binas | Viertiville Bruyère |  |  |  |
Egypt Zafarana | Zafarana 1 |  |  |  |
Egypt Zafarana | Zafarana 2 |  |  |  |
France Bionville-sur-Nied, Fouligny, Marange-Zondrange | Zondrange |  |  |  |