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Name | Area | Power (kW) | Number of turbines |
Hub height (m) |
Manufacturer | Status | Commissioning date |
Aalborg | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Abild | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Abildgard (Rebild) | 1,800 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Abildgard (Thisted) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Abildgard (Thisted) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Abildgard (Thisted) | 500 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Abildgard (Thisted) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Abol | 180 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Abol | 180 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Abol | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Abterp | 1,320 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Aby | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Adbol | 225 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Adsbol | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Adum | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Adum | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Adum-Kirkeby | 24,000 | 8 | Operational | ||||
Aeble | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Aflandshage | 250,000 | Planned | |||||
Agard HGD Gorlev | 3,200 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Agdrup | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Agernæs | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Agerskov | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Agerup | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Ajstrup | 3,600 | 6 | Operational | ||||
Ajstrup | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Ajstrup | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Ajstrup | 500 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Ajstrup | 400 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Ajstrup | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Ajstrup | 1,800 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Ajstrup | 1,800 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Ajstrup (Vesthimmerland) | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Ajstrup (Vesthimmerland) | 225 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Aker | 6,000 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Aker | 6,500 | 5 | Operational | ||||
Aker | 450 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Aker | 1,575 | 7 | Dismantled | ||||
Alboge | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Alboge | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Albæk (Frederikshavn) | 450 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Albæk (Frederikshavn) | 300 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Albæk (Frederikshavn) | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Albæk (Frederikshavn) | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Albæk (Frederikshavn) | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Albæk (Frederikshavn) | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Albæk (Randers) | 3,000 | 5 | Operational | ||||
Albæk Hgd. | 500 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Alkjærsig-Dejbjerg | 450 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Allerslev | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Allerup (Bronderslev) | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Allerup (Esbjerg) | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Allerup (Esbjerg) | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Allerup (Odense) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Allerup (Odense) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Alminde | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Alsbo | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Alsbo | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Alslev | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Alsted (Morso) | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Alsted (Morso) | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Alsted (Vejle) | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Alstrup (Guldborgsund) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Alstrup (Guldborgsund) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Alstrup (Jammerbugt) | 4,500 | 6 | Operational | ||||
Alsvej Vindmollelaug | 900 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Ammerup | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Amtrup | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Amtrup | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Amtrup | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Amtrup | 450 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Amtrup | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Anderstrup-Engestofte | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Anderup | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Anderup | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Andrup (DK) | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Andrup - Krejbjerg | 600 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Anholt | 399,600 | 111 | Operational | ||||
Arby | 18,000 | 6 | Operational | ||||
Arlose | 1,500 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Arninge | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Arninge | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Arninge | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Arrild | 1,300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Arrild | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Name | Area | Power (kW) | Number of turbines |
Hub height (m) |
Manufacturer | Status | Commissioning date |
Arrild | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Arrild | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Arrild | 2,400 | 4 | Operational | ||||
Arrild | 6,600 | 11 | Operational | ||||
Arrild | 250 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Arslev | 600 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Arslev By-Sonderup | 400 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Arup (DK) | 225 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Asa Melholt | 225 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Asa Melholt | 200 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Asa Melholt | 10,350 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Asbjerg | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Asdal Hgd - Asdal | 2,500 | 5 | Operational | ||||
Asdal Hgd. - Asdal | 2,250 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Askildrup | 900 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Askildrup | 1,800 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Asko | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Asko | 3,600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Asmindrup (Holbaek) | 400 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Asmindrup (Odsherred) | 600 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Asnæs | 600 | 3 | Dismantled | ||||
Assels | 1,980 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Assendlose | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Assens Markjord | 1,300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Assentoft | 1,800 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Assentoft | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Asted (Frederikshavn) | 300 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Asted (Frederikshavn) | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Asted (Frederikshavn) | 300 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Asted (Frederikshavn) | 500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Asted (Frederikshavn) | 250 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Asted (Skive) | 600 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Asted (Skive) | 12,000 | 4 | Operational | ||||
Astrup (Favrskov) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Astrup (Hedensted) | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Astrup (Hjorring) | 300 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Astrup (Hjorring) | 130 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Astrup (Vejen) | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Astrup (Vejen) | 2,640 | 4 | Operational | ||||
Attrup | 225 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Attrup Torslev | 320 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Aulby | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Aulby | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Aulum | 1,000 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Aulum | 2,000 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Aulum | 2,000 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Aulum | 1,000 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Aunstrup | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Avedore | 900 | 3 | Dismantled | ||||
Avedore | 1,980 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Avedore | 2,700 | 9 | Dismantled | ||||
Avedøre Holme | 10,800 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Avernako | 225 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Aversi | 160 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Aversi | 160 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Avnede | 2,000 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Bagenkop | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bajlum | 15,000 | 5 | Operational | ||||
Bakkendrup | 3,200 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bale | 900 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bale | 3,600 | 4 | Operational | ||||
Balle | 1,600 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Balle | 800 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Balling | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Balling | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Balslev | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Balslev | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bandsbol | 7,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Baring | 300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Barlose | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Barlose | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Barse | 200 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Barslev | 300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Barslev | 900 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Barslev | 300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Barslev | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Barslund Garde-Mejrup | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Barso | 300 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Batum | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Batum | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bedsted | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bedsted | 300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bedsted | 250 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bedsted | 225 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Beersted | 500 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Name | Area | Power (kW) | Number of turbines |
Hub height (m) |
Manufacturer | Status | Commissioning date |
Bejstrup | 4,000 | 10 | Operational | ||||
Bendslev | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bendstrup | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Bendstrup | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Biersted | 250 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bildso | 1,350 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Billesbolle | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Biltoft | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Biltoft | 2,700 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Binderup | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Binderup | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bindslev | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Bindslev | 1,800 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Bindslev | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Birkelev | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Birkelev | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Birkelev | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Birkelev | 1,200 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Birkendegaard | 3,000 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Birkild | 1,320 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Biskopstop | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Bislev | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bislev | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bissinge | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bjergby (Holbaek) | 4,600 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Bjergby (Lolland) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bjergby (Slagelse) | 1,350 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Bjerlev | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bjerlev | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bjerlev | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bjerndrup (Kolding) | 1,800 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Bjerndrup (Kolding) | 900 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bjerndrup (Kolding) | 1,600 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Bjernæs | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bjernæs | 500 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bjerre | 10,000 | 5 | Dismantled | ||||
Bjerreby | 130 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bjerreby | 600 | 4 | Dismantled | ||||
Bjerreby | 130 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bjerreby | 2,300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bjerreby | 2,300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bjerregard | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Bjerregrav | 250 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bjerregrav | 200 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bjerremose | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Bjornekær Hovedgard-Biersted | 250 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bjornsholm | 3,000 | 4 | Operational | ||||
Bjornstrup | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bjæverskov | 200 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bladstrup | 160 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Blegind | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Blegind | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Blenstrup | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Blidstrup | 2,000 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Blidstrup | 3,000 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Blære | 2,250 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Bochers Banke | 1,102,500 | Planned | |||||
Boddum | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bodilsker | 675 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Bodilsker | 2,700 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Bodum | 900 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bodum | 900 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bodum | 900 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Boeslum | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Boeslum | 500 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Boeslum | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Boeslum | 130 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bogo | 225 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bogo | 180 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bogo | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bogsted | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bogsted | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bogvad | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bogvad | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bogvad | 1,800 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Bogvad | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bojden | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bojden | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bolling | 300 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Bolling | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bolv | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bolv | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bonderby | 2,400 | 5 | Operational | ||||
Bonderup | 600 | 4 | Dismantled | ||||
Bonnerup | 4,200 | 7 | Operational | ||||
Name | Area | Power (kW) | Number of turbines |
Hub height (m) |
Manufacturer | Status | Commissioning date |
Bonsvig | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Borbjerg | 2,000 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Borbjerg | 3,000 | 4 | Operational | ||||
Borbjerg | 14,000 | 7 | Operational | ||||
Borbjerg | 16,000 | 8 | Operational | ||||
Bording | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Borg | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Borg | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Borg | 250 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Borglum | 160 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Borglum | 160 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Borglum | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Borglum | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Borglum | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Borglumkloster | 2,400 | 4 | Operational | ||||
Bork (DK) | 3,000 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bork (DK) | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Bornholm | 100,000 | Planned | |||||
Bornholm Bassin Ost | 1,500,000 | Planned | |||||
Bornholm Bassin Syd | 1,500,000 | Planned | |||||
Borre | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Borre | 2,640 | 4 | Operational | ||||
Borris | 1,000 | 4 | Dismantled | ||||
Borris | 450 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Borup | 1,000 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bostofte | 200 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bostrup (Favrskov) | 2,250 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Bostrup (Langeland) | 900 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bostrup (Langeland) | 1,800 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Bostrup (Langeland) | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bostrup (Skive) | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bounum | 2,250 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Bouso | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bovling | 2,000 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bovling | 180 | 3 | Dismantled | ||||
Bovling | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bovling | 2,300 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bovling | 3,300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bovling | 450 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Bovling | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bovling | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bovling | 260 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Bovling | 1,500 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bovling | 10,800 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Bovling | 3,000 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bovling | 2,000 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bovling | 1,800 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bovling | 3,000 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bovling | 3,000 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bovling | 2,000 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bovling | 4,300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bovlingbjerg | 2,300 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bovlund | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bovlund | 250 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bovlund | 300 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Bovlund | 250 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bovlund | 250 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bovrup | 900 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Bovrup Varnæs | 400 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Bradsted | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Brande | 3,000 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Brande | 10,000 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Branderslev | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Branderup | 1,300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Branderup | 1,300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Branderup | 2,600 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Branderup | 400 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Branderup | 400 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Brarup (Guldborgsund) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Brarup (Vesthimmerland) | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Brede | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Brede | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bredebro | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bredvig | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bredvig | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bregninge (Aero) | 400 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bregninge (Aero) | 500 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Bregninge (Guldborgsund) | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Brejl | 2,000 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Brejnholt Gde-Tvis | 3,300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Brejning | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Brejning | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Brejning | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Brejning | 1,980 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Brejning | 300 | 3 | Dismantled | ||||
Name | Area | Power (kW) | Number of turbines |
Hub height (m) |
Manufacturer | Status | Commissioning date |
Brejning | 100 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Brejning | 7,200 | 4 | Operational | ||||
Bringstrup | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bringstrup | 200 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Broløkke | 900 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Brondbyvester | 5,500 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bronderslev | 10,500 | 7 | Operational | ||||
Bronderslev | 300 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Bronderslev | 600 | 3 | Dismantled | ||||
Bronderslev | 10,350 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Brondum (Jammerbugt) | 400 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Brondum (Skive) | 1,000 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Brondum (Skive) | 4,000 | 4 | Operational | ||||
Brondum (Skive) | 1,000 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Brondum (Vesthimmerland) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Brondum (Vesthimmerland) | 1,000 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Brondum (Vesthimmerland) | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Brons | 3,750 | 5 | Operational | ||||
Brons | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Brons | 3,200 | 8 | Operational | ||||
Brons | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Brordrup | 500 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Brorstrup | 7,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Brorup | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Brovst | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Brovst | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Brudager | 2,000 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Brund | 300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Brund | 300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Brund | 450 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Brundby | 3,000 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Bruserup | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bruserup By - Væggerløse | 900 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Brylle | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Brylle | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bryrup | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Brystrup | 900 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Brændekilde | 900 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Brændekilde | 1,800 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Brændstrup | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bubel | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Bubel | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bukkerup | 3,960 | 6 | Operational | ||||
Bur | 9,000 | 15 | Operational | ||||
Bur | 9,900 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Bur | 4,400 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Burgard | 400 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Burkal | 15,000 | 5 | Operational | ||||
Burkal | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bustrup | 500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Bybjerg | 1,000 | 5 | Operational | ||||
Bybjerg | 200 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bysted-Nautrup | 300 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Bækbolling | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bækbolling | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bækbolling | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Bække | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Bækmark | 2,250 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Bækmark | 1,800 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Bækmark | 1,800 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Bækmark | 18,000 | 5 | Operational | ||||
Dalby (DK) | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Dalby (DK) | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Dalbyneder | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Daler | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Dall | 1,000 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Dalumgard | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Damsholte | 200 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Dannemare | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Dannemare | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Dannemare | 500 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Dannemare | 300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Dannemare | 600 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Dannemare | 300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Dannemare | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Danserholme Mollelaug | 600 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Darup (DK) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Daugbjerg | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Debel (Varde) | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Debel (Varde) | 300 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Debel (Vejen) | 200 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Degneboligen Olstrup | 49,500 | 15 | Operational | ||||
Dejbjerg | 6,075 | 27 | Operational | ||||
Dejbjerg | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Dejbjerg | 450 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Name | Area | Power (kW) | Number of turbines |
Hub height (m) |
Manufacturer | Status | Commissioning date |
Dejbjerg | 225 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Dejbjerg | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Dejbjerg | 225 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Dejbjerg | 450 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Dejrup | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Dejrup | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Del af samlet fast ejendom 4D | 3,000 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Demstrup | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Den Mellemste Del | 130 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Den sydlige del No | 3,500 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Den sydlige del No | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Den sydlige del No | 1,750 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Djernæs | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Doense | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Doense | 300 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Dolby | 200 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Dolby | 130 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Dolby | 130 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Dorken | 200 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Dostrup | 660 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Dostrup | 1,320 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Dostrup | 1,320 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Dostrup | 15,000 | 5 | Operational | ||||
Dostrup | 3,200 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Dover (Skanderborg) | 200 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Dover (Skanderborg) | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Dover (Vejen) | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Dover (Vejen) | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Draby | 3,000 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Draby | 400 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Drengsted | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Drengsted | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Drengsted | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Dronninggard | 400 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Dronninglund | 3,600 | 4 | Operational | ||||
Dronninglund | 850 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Dronninglund | 850 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Dronninglund | 160 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Dronninglund | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Dronninglund | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Dronninglund | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Dronninglund | 6,000 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Dronninglund | 3,000 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Dræby Fed | 9,200 | 4 | Operational | ||||
Dunkær | 6,000 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Durup | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Dybe | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Dybe | 300 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Dybe | 1,350 | 3 | Dismantled | ||||
Dybe | 300 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Dærup | 1,320 | 2 | Operational | ||||
EcoSwing | 3,600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Eg | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Egebjerg | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Egelev | 300 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Egemarke | 1,500 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Egense | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Egense | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Egense | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Egense | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Eggebæk Tinglev | 16,000 | 8 | Operational | ||||
Eggeslevlille-Eggeslevmagle | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Eggeslevmagle | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Eggeslevmagle | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Eggeslevmagle | 200 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Egvad | 800 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Egvad | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Ejby | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Ejer | 300 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Ejerslev | 1,700 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Ejerslev | 200 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Ejsing | 1,600 | 8 | Dismantled | ||||
Ejsing | 6,900 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Ejsing | 1,000 | 5 | Dismantled | ||||
Ejsingkær-Vildbjerg | 2,000 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Ejstrup (Kolding) | 300 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Ejstrup (Vesthimmerland) | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Eksercerpladsen | 850 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Elkenore | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Ellerup | 800 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Ellerup By - Gudbjerg | 1,800 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Ellerup By - Gudbjerg | 850 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Ellidshoj | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Elling | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Ellinge | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Name | Area | Power (kW) | Number of turbines |
Hub height (m) |
Manufacturer | Status | Commissioning date |
Ellum | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Ellum | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Ellum | 1,320 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Ellum | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Ellum | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Elsborg | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Elso | 200 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Elsted | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Elsted | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Elsted | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Emmelev | 2,250 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Emmerlev | 2,400 | 4 | Operational | ||||
Emmerske | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Endegarde | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Endelave | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Endelave | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Engelholm Hgd - Snesere | 9,900 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Engelstrup | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Engelstrup | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Engestofte | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Engestofte | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Engestofte | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Enkelundgarde | 1,600 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Enlige Garde - Lomborg | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Ennebolle | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Envision 3MW prototype | 3,000 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Erkilstrup | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Errindlev By - Errindlev | 500 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Ersted By - Aarestrup | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Esbjerg Jorde | 8,000 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Esbjerg Jorde | 8,000 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Esbjerg Jorde | 9,525 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Esbjerg Jorde | 16,800 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Eskilstrup | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Eskilstrup | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Esterbolle | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Esterbolle - Særslev | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Estrup | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Ettrup | 100 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Fabjerg | 300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fabjerg | 300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fabjerg | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Fabjerg | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Fabjerg | 225 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fabjerg | 225 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fabjerg | 200 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Faldgarde | 2,250 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Faldgarde | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Faldgarde | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Falsig | 4,500 | 6 | Operational | ||||
Falsig | 3,600 | 6 | Operational | ||||
Falster | 9,000 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Fandrup | 450 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Fandrup | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fanefjord | 180 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Fanefjord | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Fardrup | 550 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fardrup | 550 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fardrup | 550 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Faro | 225 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Farre (Favrskov) | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Farre (Favrskov) | 1,980 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Farre (Vejle) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Farre (Vejle) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Farup | 6,400 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Farup | 3,200 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Farupgard | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fastrup | 200 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Fastrup | 200 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Fastrup | 200 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Felding | 400 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Feldingbjerg | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Feldingbjerg | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Felsted | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Felsted | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Femern | 400,000 | Planned | |||||
Femern Bugt | 300,000 | Planned | |||||
Fensmark | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Fensmark | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Fensten | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Ferslev | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Ferslev | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Ferup | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Filskov | 1,300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Filskov | 1,300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Name | Area | Power (kW) | Number of turbines |
Hub height (m) |
Manufacturer | Status | Commissioning date |
Filskov | 5,200 | 4 | Operational | ||||
Filskov | 6,900 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Fjaldene | 6,500 | 13 | Operational | ||||
Fjaltring | 2,250 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Fjaltring | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fjaltring | 750 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Fjellerad | 500 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Fjellerad | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fjelso | 450 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Fjelso | 450 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Fjelstrup | 900 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fjelstrup | 900 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fjenneslev | 450 | 3 | Dismantled | ||||
Fjerritslev | 400 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fjerritslev | 400 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fjerritslev | 1,200 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Flakkebjerg | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Flamsted | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Flarup | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Flarup | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Flarup | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Flarup | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Flarup | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Flarup | 600 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Flarup | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Flejsborg | 900 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Flejsborg | 1,800 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Flemlose | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Flemlose | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Flemlose | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Flemlose | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Flemlose | 1,980 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Flemming | 2,550 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Flemstofte | 225 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Flensted | 900 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Flintinge | 180 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Floulev | 225 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Floulev | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Floutrup | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Floutrup | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Floutrup | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Fly | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fodby | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Fodby | 2,250 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Foldby (Favrskov) | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Foldby (Naestved) | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Foldby (Naestved) | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Foldby (Naestved) | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Follenslev | 600 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Forlev | 4,200 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Forlev (Skanderborg) | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Forlev (Slagelse) | 200 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Forlev (Slagelse) | 200 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Forlev (Slagelse) | 160 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Forslev (Faxe) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Forslev (Faxe) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Forslev (Naestved) | 550 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Forslev (Naestved) | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Forslev (Naestved) | 1,320 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Forslev (Naestved) | 1,320 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Forslev (Naestved) | 550 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Forslev (Naestved) | 200 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Fousing | 8,000 | 8 | Operational | ||||
Fovling | 300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fovling | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Fragdrup | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Frankerup | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Fraugde | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fraugde | 1,320 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Frederiks | 4,000 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Frederiks | 2,000 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Frederiks | 2,250 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Frederiks | 250 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Frederiks | 250 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Frederiks | 500 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Frederiksdal Hgd | 20,700 | 6 | Operational | ||||
Frederikshaven 2 | 2,300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Frederikshaven 3 | 3,000 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Frederikshaven 4 | 2,300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Frederikshavn | 130 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Frederikshavn Nord | 500,000 | Planned | |||||
Frederikshavn Offshore | 2,300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Frederikshavn Offshore | 3,000 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Frederikshavn Offshore | 2,300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Frederikshavn Offshore Demo | 72,000 | Approved | |||||
Name | Area | Power (kW) | Number of turbines |
Hub height (m) |
Manufacturer | Status | Commissioning date |
Fredso | 1,700 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Frejlev | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Frejlev - Kettinge | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Fremmelev | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Fremmelev | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Freya | 1,500,000 | Planned | |||||
Frolund | 300 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Frolunde - Tarnborg | 200 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Frorup (Kolding) | 1,300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Frorup (Kolding) | 900 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Frorup (Nyborg) | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Frorup (Nyborg) | 2,250 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Frorup (Nyborg) | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Frorup (Nyborg) | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Frorup (Nyborg) | 300 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Frorup Ejerlaug | 1,300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Frorup Ejerlav | 1,300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Frorup Ejerlav | 1,300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Froslev (Morso) | 1,000 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Froslev (Morso) | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Froslev (Morso) | 225 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Froslev (Morso) | 600 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Froslev (Morso) | 200 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Froslev (Morso) | 100 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Froslev (Stevns) | 3,750 | 5 | Operational | ||||
Fruering | 450 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Frydendal | 2,700 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Fræer | 160 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Fuglebjerg | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fuglse | 225 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fulby | 500 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Fur | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fur | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Furreby | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Furreby | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Futting | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Futting | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fyrendal | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fyrendal | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fyrkilde | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fyrkilde | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Fæbæk | 500 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fæbæk | 400 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Fæbæk | 300 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Fæbæk | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Fæbæk | 500 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fæbæk | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Fæbæk | 300 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Færgealemarken | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Fæsted | 850 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fæsted | 1,320 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Fæsted | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fæsted | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Fæsted | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Fæsted | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gabol | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gabol | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Galdbjerg | 900 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Galten (Favrskov) | 300 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Galten (Favrskov) | 300 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Galten (Favrskov) | 0 | 0 | Dismantled | ||||
Galten (Favrskov) | 0 | 0 | Dismantled | ||||
Galten (Skanderborg) | 260 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Galtrup | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Galtrup | 1,980 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Galtrup | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Galtrup | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Galtrup | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gamborg | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gammel Vraa Enge | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gammel Vraa Enge | 9,750 | 13 | Operational | ||||
Gammelby (Lolland) | 300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gammelby (Vejle) | 3,900 | 3 | Dismantled | ||||
Gammelgard | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gammelstrup | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gammelstrup | 500 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Gammelstrup | 9,000 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Gamst | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gamst | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gamst | 1,700 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gandrup | 200 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Ganer | 750 | 3 | Dismantled | ||||
Ganer | 480 | 3 | Dismantled | ||||
Gardbo So (Frederikshavn) | 3,750 | 5 | Operational | ||||
Gardbo So (Frederikshavn) | 3,600 | 4 | Operational | ||||
Name | Area | Power (kW) | Number of turbines |
Hub height (m) |
Manufacturer | Status | Commissioning date |
Gardbo So (Frederikshavn) | 900 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gardbo So (Hjorring) | 300 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gardejer Peter Bay Knudsen | 900 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gardstedgard | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Garestrup-Sct Olai | 10,350 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Garslev | 300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gaser | 300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gaser | 300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gaser | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gasetofte | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gasse | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gassum | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gassum | 2,250 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Gavnø | 1,500 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Gedbo-Tvis | 9,900 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Gedesby | 300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gedesby | 200 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gedesby | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gedesby | 300 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gedesby | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gedsted | 450 | 3 | Dismantled | ||||
Gejla | 1,320 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gejla | 2,640 | 4 | Operational | ||||
Gejla | 1,320 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gejsing | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gejsing | 1,320 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gelsted | 180 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gersdorffslund | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gert Marcussen Viumvej Roslev | 3,000 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gesinge | 200 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gesinge | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gesinge-Bjerreby | 900 | 3 | Dismantled | ||||
Gesten | 1,700 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gesten | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gesten | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gesten | 300 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Gestengene | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gestengene | 225 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gestengene | 225 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gettrup | 450 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Gettrup | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gettrup | 275 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gettrup | 275 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gettrup | 275 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gettrup 1 | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gettrup 2 | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gierslev | 600 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Gilleleje | 210,000 | Planned | |||||
Gilsager | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gimlinge | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gimsing | 9,000 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Gislev | 800 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gisserbaek | 5,250 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Give | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Givskud | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gjerlev | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gjern | 1,980 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Gjern | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gjern | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gjern | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gjerndrup | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gjerndrup | 1,320 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gjerrild Bugt | 400,000 | Planned | |||||
Gjersbol | 100 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gjorup | 450 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Gjorup | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gjorup - Uldbjerg | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Glatved - Hoed | 400 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Glerup | 2,640 | 4 | Operational | ||||
Gloslunde | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Glumso | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Goderup | 1,500 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Gorlev | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gorlose Sogn | 1,980 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Gorup | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gotterup | 2,600 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gottesgabe Hgd | 14,400 | 4 | Operational | ||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 250 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Name | Area | Power (kW) | Number of turbines |
Hub height (m) |
Manufacturer | Status | Commissioning date |
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 800 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 800 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 800 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 800 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 1,750 | 7 | Dismantled | ||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 500 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 250 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 30,100 | 7 | Operational | ||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 8,600 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gottrup (Vesthimmerland) | 500 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Gottrup (Vesthimmerland) | 250 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Grahede | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Grahede | 1,320 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gram (Haderslev) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gram (Haderslev) | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gram (Hedensted) | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gram (Hedensted) | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gramrode | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Grarup | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Grena | 315,000 | Planned | |||||
Grensten | 2,250 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Grimmeshave | 225 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Grinderslev | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Grinderslev | 175 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Grinderslev | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Grindlose | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Grindlose | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Grindsted | 6,000 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Grolsted | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Grolsted | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Grongard | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Grongard | 3,600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gronhede-Volstrup | 4,000 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gronnegade | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gronning | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gronning | 1,320 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gronning | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gronning | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gronning | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gronning | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gronning | 100 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gronning | 660 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gronning | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gronning | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Grundfor | 1,800 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Grundfor | 900 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Grurup | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Grurup | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Grurup | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Grurup | 500 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Grurup | 225 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gryderup | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Græshave | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Græshave | 1,800 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Græshave | 300 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gudbjerg | 1,800 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gudmandstrup | 1,650 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Gudum (Lemvig) | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gudum (Lemvig) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gudum (Lemvig) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gudum (Lemvig) | 100 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gudum (Slagelse) | 1,800 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Gudum (Slagelse) | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gudumbro | 3,000 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Guldager (Esbjerg) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Guldager (Esbjerg) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Guldager (Esbjerg) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Guldager (Esbjerg) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Guldager (Esbjerg) | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Guldager (Hjorring) | 180 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Guldager (Hjorring) | 6,900 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Guldborgsund | 500,000 | Planned | |||||
Guldborgsund Syd | 500,000 | Planned | |||||
Guldbæk | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Guldforhoved | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gummersmarke | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gunderstedgard | 2,250 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Gunderup (Hjorring) | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Name | Area | Power (kW) | Number of turbines |
Hub height (m) |
Manufacturer | Status | Commissioning date |
Gunderup (Hjorring) | 100 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gunderup (Varde) | 1,320 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Gunderup (Varde) | 2,640 | 4 | Dismantled | ||||
Gundestrup | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gundestrup | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gundestrup | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gundslevmagle | 300 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Gundsomagle | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gundtoft | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gundtoft-Gettrup | 12,000 | 6 | Operational | ||||
Gurreby | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Gydeje-Torslev | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gyrstinge | 1,320 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gyrup | 800 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Gyrup | 1,600 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Gærup | 0 | 0 | Dismantled | ||||
Haals | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Haarby | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Haarby | 660 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Haarby | 1,320 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Haarby | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Haarby | 400 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Haderis | 2,600 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Hadrup | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Hadrup | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Hagendrup | 2,200 | 4 | Operational | ||||
Hagesholm | 23,000 | 10 | Operational | ||||
Hagested | 4,000 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Hagested | 2,000 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Hagested | 6,900 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Hagested | 6,900 | 3 | Operational | ||||
Hajstrup | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Hajstrup | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Halby | 225 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Halby | 225 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Halby | 450 | 2 | Dismantled | ||||
Halby | 450 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Hald | 1,500 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Haldagerlille | 450 | 3 | Dismantled | ||||
Haldagerlille | 150 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Haldrup | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Haldum | 750 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Halk | 150 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Hallendrup | 3,600 | 4 | Operational | ||||
Halling | 1,200 | 2 | Operational | ||||
Halling | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Halling | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Halling | 600 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Hallum | 2,400 | 4 | Operational | ||||
Hallum | 225 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Hals | 500 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Hals | 500 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Halseby - Tarnborg | 200 | 1 | Dismantled | ||||
Hammelev | 160 | 1 | Operational | ||||
Hammer |